Abilene Chapter

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  • Volunteer Spotlight (3/2/2021) “Our family has been a safe families volunteer since June of 2020. During that time we have had the opportunity to wrap around several families as a host family or family friend. When we first joined safe families we weren’t 100% sure what we were signing up for but we knew we believed in their mission of offering families in crisis a caring and compassionate community. As a host family with safe families we were able to host for two months a former foster teen who was pregnant at the time and needing a place to stay as she worked towards getting back on her feet. Those two months turned into a long term relationship with this young mom who, along with her newborn son, have become like family. Being a host family and a volunteer with safe families has become so much more than just a short term hosting placement and we feel blessed by the ways our extended family and community has grown though opening our home in this way.”

  • The last day to Double Your Impact is January 15, 2022!